Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Gulf Coast Florida Barter Offers Health Care Plan on Trade

That's right, a new concept in Primary Care called DOCTORS CARE has been introduced by Dr. Hicks of West Coast Family Medical in Clearwater. If you have no insurance this plan is for you. This plan is a Preventative Care Plan, that is designed to keep you from going to the hospital unless it is truly an emergency. This plan is affordable, tax deductible and payable with Florida Barter Trade Dollars.

As a business owner, especially in this time of spiraling costs each of us needs to find ways to squeeze more value from our income.

Doctors Care is a real way to save cash and utilize your trade dollars effectively. With Doctors Care you pay a flat monthly fee (no contract) and their are no co-pays per visit. The list of services provided with Doctors Care is very extensive. Among those services covered Care Physicians Services, Minor Surgeries, Urgent Care, Pain Management, Generic Medications, Lab Work, Diagnostic Testing and much more.

For additional information check out
or call Josh Bonner at 727 647 2892